Alumni Update: How's Life? - Rachel Irwin Gregornik

Alumni Update:  How's Life? - Rachel Irwin Gregornik

Rachel Irwin Gregornik

Class of 2012
Hometown: Normal, Illinois
Defensive Center Mid

What have you been up to?

Two years after graduating, while living in Sarasota, Florida and working at a dropout prevention high school I married David. Long story short, almost 5 years later, we currently live just outside of Ft. Worth, Texas in Hurst. I am a 7th grade Life Science teacher at a 7-9 Junior High, where I coach Volleyball, Soccer and Track. In order to coach/ drive my athletes to competitions I also have to drive a big yellow school bus. I earned my CDL, and haul kids all over the Dallas/Ft Worth Metroplex.

Since graduating, I've enjoyed traveling during my summers off, finding new ways to enjoy exercise without a coach forcing me to do it, and I love cooking. David and I both have enjoyed remodeling our home and are always excited to welcome visitors, or host anyone in transition. Our house has been a home to eight people, including 5 pets, one of which ended up making this place his forever home. We love the excitement and entertainment an open door brings, some guests have even come back around for a second stay!

Our newest and fastest approaching adventure will be our little man expected to make his appearance in late April.

Favorite GU and/or soccer memory

Some of my favorite memories at GU revolve around soccer or friends met through soccer. I especially enjoyed living in Mannoia Hall and Tower with several soccer ladies. We literally text to this day about "remember when" this or that happened. It is crazy to think we still find so much joy in texting weekly to keep up with each other or tease about things that happened 7+ years ago!

Advice for current ladies in the program

DREAM BIG! Life has so much to offer, and enjoy exploring it all! Trust that when you buy into this program it will prepare you with the right work ethic, faith and perseverance to live life to the fullest!