Our Mission & Philosophy
Our Mission
The mission of the Greenville University athletic department is to foster Christian character, athletic development, and academic achievement in a Christ-centered community.
Our Philosophy
Greenville University, as an institution, is a Christian academic community that intends to meet the emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual needs of its members. By means of self discipline in the lives of student athletes these needs can be met. The athletic department strives to develop discipline in the lives of its participants through athletic involvement and the dedication that is required. The desire of the athletic department is to see athletics as a means by which the goals of Greenville University may be achieved.
The primary goal is that the student-athlete can see every aspect of life in relation to a Christian world view. A clear understanding of Christian beliefs and values as well as the commitment to doing the will of God are encouraged. With these principles in mind, a student-athlete can view every aspect of life in relation to his or her ongoing commitment to Christ.
Greenville University supports the concept as stated in the NCAA Division III manual that coaches are educators. Understanding that athletics has significant educational and academic value, Greenville University waives a health, physical education, and recreation general education activity class requirement for those who participate in athletics. Greenville University coaches are viewed primarily as teachers. Their daily and primary duty is to evaluate and instruct student-athletes in athletic skill development, sport strategy, teamwork, spiritual development, and general life skills.
The student-athlete should also recognize that academic achievement is the primary purpose for his or her attending Greenville University. To become informed in a variety of disciplines is the intent of a liberal arts education. Learning is a life-long process, and being able to combine learning along with athletics should be the goal of each athlete at Greenville University.
The University has established behavioral guidelines by which all student-athletes and all students are expected to adhere. But, it is important to realize that the established rules are not the maximum expectations of a student-athlete, but rather minimum. It is the desire of the athletic department that the student-athlete will develop motivation which encourages him or her to become a self-directive person who is articulate, wise, sensitive, aesthetically and scientifically aware, and committed to doing the will of God.